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Rank Advancement

Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!


Ian O.  Scout
David R.  Scout
Ryan M.  Scout
Steven H.  Scout
James P.  Scout

Fourth of July Parade In Santa Barbara – Needs YOU!




Will present and carry a 12’ x 18’ American Flag in the 2014 Fourth of July Parade.

We will need approximately 20-30 Boy and Cub Scouts to help with this event in celebrating our nation’s birth, but we can have more participants if we exceed this number.

The time commitment on the day of the parade will be from approximately noon to 2:00 pm.

We would like have scouts from all Troops and Packs in the South Coast District participate. There is no special skills required to participate.  Just wear your uniform, smile, and wave to the parade watchers.

Please contact Trey Pinner if you would like to participate by email or 805-963-1971 wk

Jacques Benoit will be in charge of the event on the actual day of the event.  He can be reached at or by cell phone at 896-4489.

See 4th of July Parade Flyer regarding the Day of the Parade and where to meet.



Fiesta Signup

Just a few clerical clean ups have been made to the Sign Up Genius for Fiesta. THANK YOU already to those who have signed up. For those who have not please do so, making sure an adult and a scout work AT LEAST one shift. Once everyone has signed up we’ll see what’s left and extra shifts will need to be picked up.

Please note that Set Up/Tear Down do NOT count as your shift to work booth duty, so everyone should be signed up for those as well as a shift during Fiesta.

If you cannot work Fiesta please let Jen Jones know via email ( so you can be removed from the list if Bobby excuses you.

Reminder, Fiesta is our major fundraiser of the year and participating is mandatory.

From your loving Fiesta Manpower Coordinator,
Jen Jones

Kardboard Kayak Race

The Santa Barbara Maritime Museum is once again having its yearly Kardboard Kayak Race on Saturday, July 12, 2014, 12:00-3:00pm. For more information follow this link. If your are interested in participating and think this is something the Troop might like to do then let your Scout Master know.

Fiesta Signups

Fiesta Booth signups are on line again this year, please click the link below to choose your shifts. Right now only 1 shift per scout and 1 shift per adult is required until we see what’s left, then more shifts may be required. This is a mandatory fundraiser for Troop 1.

There is a small glitch in the site that I’m working on now but that will not change your ability to sign up.

Please note this website can be used to swap your shifts with others if needed; this way it can be done directly and the administrator does not need to get involved. So…PLEASE bookmark the site.


Rank Advancement

Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!



Owen- Tenderfoot
Micah- 2nd class
Daniel D, Life
John, Scout

New Troop Scouts

Our new Troop 1 Scouts are given a brief orientation by our Scout Master Robert Blessing before splitting into new patrols.

2014_06_09 050

Rank Advancement

Congrats to the following boys who successfully passed their Board of Review:


Danny- Life
Matthew Hel.-Second Class
Micah-2nd Class
Owen-Totin’ Chit, and Fireman Chit, Tenderfoot

Upcoming Events

Nothing from February 6, 2025 to February 20, 2025.

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