Category: Advancement
Effective October 18, 2016 Troop 1 has a new rank advancement policy. It covers the necessary requirements and deadlines to achieve a new rank in Scouting based on fulfilling your rank requirements. Here is a link to the document. This document is also under the Forms-Resources tab.
Upcoming Boards of Review
The following dates have been set for Troop 1 Boards of Review.
- September 29, 2016
- October 6, 2016
- October 27, 2016
- November 17, 2016
- December 8, 2016.
Time slots for Boards of Review will be limited to 3 per session on a first come, first served basis. Please reserve your spot for a Board of Review by communicating with your Scoutmaster Bobby as soon as possible. Scoutmaster conferences must be completed at least one week prior to Board, so plan ahead!
Join Troop 1 as we head to the Vandenberg Air Force Base area on Saturday Oct. 18 for Jamboree On the Air. Attached is the flyer from Mr. Andrade. There is also a release which must be signed for each Scout attending and also each Adult Leader attending. More details will be discussed at this Thursday’s Scout Meeting.
Jamboree in the Air Details
Vandenberg Release

The Troop will car camp overnight and return Sunday afternoon. We will be leaving at 6:00 AM sharp from the Church Parking lot. There is an opportunity for the newer Scouts to finish off some of their requirements for Advancement.
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Rodrigo H. Second Class

On Thursday, October 2, Troop 1 will hold a COURT OF HONOR. The Court of Honor begins with a POTLUCK at 6:30 (earlier than our usual meeting time). Families of Troop 1 Boy Scouts are encouraged to come. After dinner, we will have an awards ceremony to celebrate the Scouts’ rank advancements and merit badges earned in the last six months.
For complete details and to sign up for the potluck follow this link.
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Henry U. Life Scout
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Matthew H. First Class
Rodrigo H. Tenderfoot
Kedrick C. Scout
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Micah C. First Class
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Marcos S. Scout
Davis P. Scout
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Ian O. Scout
David R. Scout
Ryan M. Scout
Steven H. Scout
James P. Scout