Category: Meetings
Upcoming Boards of Review
The following dates have been set for Troop 1 Boards of Review.
- September 29, 2016
- October 6, 2016
- October 27, 2016
- November 17, 2016
- December 8, 2016.
Time slots for Boards of Review will be limited to 3 per session on a first come, first served basis. Please reserve your spot for a Board of Review by communicating with your Scoutmaster Bobby as soon as possible. Scoutmaster conferences must be completed at least one week prior to Board, so plan ahead!
Winter Camp is confirmed for January 29 thru 31. This will be happening at Camp Three Falls in the Ventura County Council area. This is a winter program camp that includes all meals and activities with a snow theme to them. Cost on this outing is $40 per person. Please make checks payable to Boy Scout Troop 1. There is a limited amount of space available. First come first served on this outing. Your payment of $40 guarantees your spot. Please contact your Scoutmaster to RSVP. A check will need to be sent to Paul Main to reserve your spot.

For more information look at the Winter Camp Information.
This years Rocket Launch and Camping Trip to Dairyaire 2015 is coming up Saturday October 17 and Sunday October 18. We will be leaving from the Church parking lot the Saturday morning at 6:00 AM and returning late Sunday afternoon.
If you are going and want to launch a rocket make sure you buy your rocket by next Thursday October 8th as we will be using the meeting to learn how to build them. Note: Make sure you also purchase enough rocket motors if you want to launch more than once. There will be vendors onsite selling rocket motors but not all sizes may be available. It is best if you can purchase the motors and bring them with you. In Santa Barbara, you can purchase kits from California Hobbies at Magnolia Shopping Center, 5118 Hollister Ave (Note: regular store hours are Tues – Sat 10:00 – 5:00. close Sun and Mon.) In Ventura/Oxnard/Camarillo you can purchase kits from Fry’s Electronics and Hobby People.
here are many on-line suppliers of model rocket kits.
The following are other on-line sources.
eRockets is a good site showing many of the different kinds of rockets you can purchase.
Others include Hobbylinc and Estes Rockets.
Please ask some of our rocket veterans if you have questions.
Travel Agenda
Leaving the Church at 6:00 AM Saturday. Please be on time. We will stop for Breakfast/Lunch about 9:00 AM. We will be stopping where food is available for purchase or you may bring own food. We will arrive at the camp ground launch site around 11:00 AM. We will set up camp and launch rockets. Those having lighted rockets can continue with night launching. Depending on how much rocketry the Scouts want to do on Sunday morning we will leave around 12:00 PM and should be back at the Church about 5:00 PM.
Cost for attendees (Scouts and adults) is $50.00 and includes meals while at Dairyaire and transportation to and from the outing. Scouts should bring their own money for meals on the road to and from the launch and for additional rocket motors, if needed. The Troop will be car/tent camping at the rocket launch site. The rocket launching activity site is somewhat remote and is located far away from trees and building. Bathroom facilities will be available. Be sure to bring sunscreen and hats.
Dairyaire and Rocketry
Dairyaire is held in Fresno and more details about the launch and the Tripoli Central California rocket meets can be found at their website.
Come join us June 9 at 7:00 PM for our Recruitment and Open House Meeting. If you are interested in Scouting and learning more about Troop 1 of Santa Barbara this meeting is for you. Here is a flyer detailing the event.
Who: For All Educators and Parents
Why: To Get Ready For
- Some Great Educational Books, Games, and Toys for Summer
- Planning Next Year’s School Year
- Buying and Selling Used Curriculum, Educational Books, Toys, Games, and Puzzles
Where: Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Church
1300 E Valley Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
When: Saturday, June 20, 2015 from 9:00 – 1:00 PM (Sellers bring your books Friday, June 19, 2015 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm)
See this flyer for more information. Troop 1 Book Sale 2015 Announcement
If you think you might be going as an Adult Leader this summer with Troop 1 to Camp Chawanakee you should start taking a look at the 2015 Camp Leader’s Guide. Follow this link to the Camp Chawanakee Downloads page and download a copy of the 2015 Camp Leader’s Guide. Our Troop Scout Master Bobby will be having a meeting in the near future with all of the Adult Leaders going to camp so please start reading this soon.
Remember camp is July 26 thru August 1.
Troop 1 will going on a backpacking trip in the San Rafael Wilderness Sunday January 18 to Monday the 19th.
Here are the details:
Leaving: Sunday, January 18, FUMC, 7 am sharp
Departure Trailhead: Nira Campground
Destination: Manzana Narrows Campground
Distance: 7 miles (each day)
Difficulty: Moderate (some creek crossings)
Weather: High temps in 60s, low temps in 30s, slight chance of rain (current prediction)
Returning: Monday, January 19, FUMC, 5 pm (estimated)
Here is the suggested Nira Backpacking Equipment List. Remember that each scout must buy and carry his own food. Fully packed, each scout’s backpack should weigh less than 25 pounds.
PLEASE RSVP to Mr. Urschel so we can know how many scouts to expect. If you have any questions, please call Ted Urschel at (805) 695-0596 or email him at
The 2015 Merit Badge Pow Wow sign up process is officially started. Pow Wow is March 7, 14, and 21.
Take a look at the website and download the 2015 registration materials. Get started as space is limited for each badge.
Here is some additional information supplied by our Scout Master Bobby.
Each Saturday a Scout will attend four classes. The Scout will need to attend class for three weeks and then he will be assigned homework that needs to be completed before the next class. He will get homework after each week. If he completes all the homework, attends all the classes and scores well on the test (if there is one) he will get the merit badge.
This goes for merit badges that have per-requisites or merit badges that don’t have per-requisites.
A merit badge such as Cycling (which is offered at Pow Wow) would be extremely difficult to finish and complete at Pow Wow because of all the riding and back end work that needs to be done to complete the merit badge.
Some merit badges (the tougher ones) are almost certainly going to come back as a partial. That means the Scout will not complete them at Pow Wow and that is to be expected. It can be discouraging for a younger Scout to not finish all four of his merit badges but you have to realize these are tough and some take longer than three weeks. Its just the nature of the program.
I personally encourage the younger Scouts to take easier merit badges at Pow Wow so they feel a sense of accomplishment rather than face a partial completion.
That does not mean a younger Scout should be steered away from Eagle Scout merit badges at Pow Wow because some are easily ascertained while at Pow Wow. Those could be Cooking, First Aid, Family Life to name a few.
Hope that helps…
If you have any questions please contact Bobby. The next Troop meeting is January 8.

On Thursday, October 2, Troop 1 will hold a COURT OF HONOR. The Court of Honor begins with a POTLUCK at 6:30 (earlier than our usual meeting time). Families of Troop 1 Boy Scouts are encouraged to come. After dinner, we will have an awards ceremony to celebrate the Scouts’ rank advancements and merit badges earned in the last six months.
For complete details and to sign up for the potluck follow this link.