There will be two sessions coming in October and November for the Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills. This is the outdoor camping part of the requirement. It will be offered at Rancho Alegre in October and at Pioneer Park Santa Maria in November. See this flyer for details.

The Wilderness First Aid is being offered in October of this year. The first weekend is Saturday October 3rd and the second weekend is Saturday October 10. This is the class that people who lead backpack trips should take. It has to be renewed every few years as well.
Here are two links to more information about the course:
Training News From The Los Padres Council
Merit Badge Counselor Orientation
will continued to be offered on the first Monday of each month from 5:45 to 7 pm at the Council Office
Scout Leader Specific
will be offered at least 3 times. The first opportunity will be Saturday, January 31st from 8am to 5 pm. Council Office
Charter Representative Orientation:
What are your rights & responsibilities? Tuesday January 13th – 6- 7:30 pm Council Office
Chaplain Aide Orientation:
for Boy Scouts, leaders may come too- Tuesday February 3 ( what does this position involve and how to get ready for Scout Sunday!) 6 -7:30 pm Council Office
Advancement Chair Orientation:
for both Pack & Troop advancement chairs to better understand the tools available to help them keep records accurately and more. Tuesday February 17th 6-7:30 pm Council Office
Merit Badge Counselor – Santa Barbara Scout Office- Monday September 29th 5:45 pm just show up. This class is required if you have submitted an application to be a Merit Badge Counselor.
Scout Leader Specific (Required classroom training for Assistant Scoutmasters and Scoutmasters) – Saturday October 11th 8:15 am- 4:15 pm Santa Barbara Scout Office. Register online here. $10 includes Lunch.
IOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills) (Required training for Assistant Scoutmasters – Nov 1 & 2 Rancho Alegre information at or