We received very sad news today that Rancho Alegre Boy Scout Camp sustained major damage in the Whittier Fire. Most of the main structures at camp have been burned. Carlos Cortez, Los Padres Council Executive Director, is reporting that Rancho Alegre lost 90 percent of the buildings and he has been authorized to visit the camp later today to assess the damage.
The above photo shows Comanche, Troop 1’s adopted campsite. It seems that Millers Outpost, our cabin, is still standing and but it appears we lost our bathroom and we are not yet not sure about any other damage to our campsite. Many years ago Troop 1 adopted Comanche Campsite at Rancho Alegre and built a cabin on the site as well as other improvements throughout the campsite. Additionally Troop 1 invested money in other structures like the dining hall and the dormitories that were used for the outdoor school.
Please do not try to visit the camp. The Los Padres Council Website states that scouting personnel are not allowed on the camp to asses the damage at this time.
Links for Whittier Fire updates and Rancho Alegre photos:
Photos of Rancho Alegre Fire Damage — http://www.thenaturephotographer.com/outdoor-school-r-i-p/Los Padres Council Website with Whittier Fire Updates — http://www.lpcbsa.org/Santa Barbara Noozhawk with Article on Rancho Alegre — http://www.noozhawk.com
When: Sunday, November 20, 2016, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. (no public school the next day, so don’t worry about homework!)
Where: First United Methodist Church, Asbury Room (please use the Asbury door to the parking lot)
Cost: $8 to cover all the pizza you can eat plus dessert and drinks
Who: Troop 1 scouts only (no uniform required)
What to Bring: Any board game you feel like sharing, or just join another game!
Join us for Game Night! Last year was a blast, and we want this year to be just as much fun. We’d love an RSVP so we know how much pizza to buy.
See you there for a great kick-off to Thanksgiving week!
Effective October 18, 2016 Troop 1 has a new rank advancement policy. It covers the necessary requirements and deadlines to achieve a new rank in Scouting based on fulfilling your rank requirements. Here is a link to the document. This document is also under the Forms-Resources tab.
Upcoming Boards of Review
The following dates have been set for Troop 1 Boards of Review.
- September 29, 2016
- October 6, 2016
- October 27, 2016
- November 17, 2016
- December 8, 2016.
Time slots for Boards of Review will be limited to 3 per session on a first come, first served basis. Please reserve your spot for a Board of Review by communicating with your Scoutmaster Bobby as soon as possible. Scoutmaster conferences must be completed at least one week prior to Board, so plan ahead!
For All Educators, Parents, and Homeschoolers
Get Ready For
- Some Great Educational Books and Games for Summer
- Planning Next Year’s School Year
- Buying and Selling Used Curriculum, Educational Books and Games
First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.
305 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(at the corner of Anapamu and Garden Street)
Saturday, June 18, 2016 from 9:00 – 1:00 PM
(Sellers bring your items on Friday, June 17, 2016 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm)
How does it work?
If you have educational books and games that you no longer need, you may sell them at our sale. You will need to label them with your name and selling price. When pricing, keep in mind that there will be a 20% consignment fee deducted from the selling price. This fee will go towards Boy Scout Troop 1 to send their boys to summer camp. For additional selling information, please contact Martha at marthatroop1@yahoo.com
If you are interested in some great educational books/games at great prices, check out this sale.
Sponsored by Santa Barbara Boy Scout Troop 1
Summer camp is coming up at Cherry Valley Camp which is on Catalina Island. The Troop will leave on Sunday July 3 and travel to Long Beach then take the ferry to Catalina Island. They will return by ferry to Long Beach on Saturday July 9. This is a great opportunity for boys this summer. If you are interested in going please contact the Scout Master.

To get a feel for the camp you can look at Camp Cherry Valley Camp.
There is a 2016 leaders guide which can help you get ready for camp. Here is the 2016 Program Guide.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
1:00 to 3:00 pm
Boy Scouts will make Valentine’s cards with the residents and share cupcakes. We would also like to offer a Talent Show. If you would like to perform on a musical instrument, sing a song, tell some jokes, or share some other special talent, please contact Mrs. Kelly.
Winter Camp is confirmed for January 29 thru 31. This will be happening at Camp Three Falls in the Ventura County Council area. This is a winter program camp that includes all meals and activities with a snow theme to them. Cost on this outing is $40 per person. Please make checks payable to Boy Scout Troop 1. There is a limited amount of space available. First come first served on this outing. Your payment of $40 guarantees your spot. Please contact your Scoutmaster to RSVP. A check will need to be sent to Paul Main to reserve your spot.

For more information look at the Winter Camp Information.
Bike ride on the Ojai Valley Trail on Saturday, November 14 and camp at a group campground on November 14, and return to Santa Barbara on Sunday, November 15.
Departing at 9 am on Saturday, November 14 from First United Methodist Church. We will drive to Foster Park in Ventura (address 438 Casitas Vista Road, off of Hwy 33, self-parking $4 per car). We will bike to Ojai along the Ojai Valley Trail and return by the same route (16 miles round trip).
BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH to eat on the ride.
After the ride from Foster Park, we will drive to the Holiday Group Campground (directions: From Vons in Ojai, drive north on Hwy 33. Go about 9 miles. Drive through three tunnels and pass Wheeler Gorge Campground. In 1 mile, Holiday Group Campground is on right side of Hwy 33 (turnout is not well marked)). An Adventure Pass is not required.
The Holiday Group Campground has a very large BBQ grill suitable for charcoal and a large wood serving table. There is an outhouse but NO WATER. There are several picnic tables spread through site, but we suggest bringing portable shade and folding chairs. There are ample tent sites. We will depart the morning of November 15.
$15 per person.
Each scout and adult will need a helmet and a bicycle suitable for a long ride. Road bikes and mountain bikes are acceptable, but BMX and similar dirt bikes are not. All bikes should be in good condition and tires should be properly inflated. We will have a MANDATORY bike inspection at a meeting prior to the trip.
For the camp out, each scout should be prepared for hot and cold weather. Bring a hat and sunscreen, and bring warm clothes, a warm sleeping bag (20-40 degrees) and rain-gear. The troop will supply tents.
This years Rocket Launch and Camping Trip to Dairyaire 2015 is coming up Saturday October 17 and Sunday October 18. We will be leaving from the Church parking lot the Saturday morning at 6:00 AM and returning late Sunday afternoon.
If you are going and want to launch a rocket make sure you buy your rocket by next Thursday October 8th as we will be using the meeting to learn how to build them. Note: Make sure you also purchase enough rocket motors if you want to launch more than once. There will be vendors onsite selling rocket motors but not all sizes may be available. It is best if you can purchase the motors and bring them with you. In Santa Barbara, you can purchase kits from California Hobbies at Magnolia Shopping Center, 5118 Hollister Ave (Note: regular store hours are Tues – Sat 10:00 – 5:00. close Sun and Mon.) In Ventura/Oxnard/Camarillo you can purchase kits from Fry’s Electronics and Hobby People.
here are many on-line suppliers of model rocket kits.
The following are other on-line sources.
eRockets is a good site showing many of the different kinds of rockets you can purchase.
Others include Hobbylinc and Estes Rockets.
Please ask some of our rocket veterans if you have questions.
Travel Agenda
Leaving the Church at 6:00 AM Saturday. Please be on time. We will stop for Breakfast/Lunch about 9:00 AM. We will be stopping where food is available for purchase or you may bring own food. We will arrive at the camp ground launch site around 11:00 AM. We will set up camp and launch rockets. Those having lighted rockets can continue with night launching. Depending on how much rocketry the Scouts want to do on Sunday morning we will leave around 12:00 PM and should be back at the Church about 5:00 PM.
Cost for attendees (Scouts and adults) is $50.00 and includes meals while at Dairyaire and transportation to and from the outing. Scouts should bring their own money for meals on the road to and from the launch and for additional rocket motors, if needed. The Troop will be car/tent camping at the rocket launch site. The rocket launching activity site is somewhat remote and is located far away from trees and building. Bathroom facilities will be available. Be sure to bring sunscreen and hats.
Dairyaire and Rocketry
Dairyaire is held in Fresno and more details about the launch and the Tripoli Central California rocket meets can be found at their website.