The 2015 Merit Badge Pow Wow sign up process is officially started. Pow Wow is March 7, 14, and 21.
Take a look at the website and download the 2015 registration materials. Get started as space is limited for each badge.
Here is some additional information supplied by our Scout Master Bobby.
Each Saturday a Scout will attend four classes. The Scout will need to attend class for three weeks and then he will be assigned homework that needs to be completed before the next class. He will get homework after each week. If he completes all the homework, attends all the classes and scores well on the test (if there is one) he will get the merit badge.
This goes for merit badges that have per-requisites or merit badges that don’t have per-requisites.
A merit badge such as Cycling (which is offered at Pow Wow) would be extremely difficult to finish and complete at Pow Wow because of all the riding and back end work that needs to be done to complete the merit badge.
Some merit badges (the tougher ones) are almost certainly going to come back as a partial. That means the Scout will not complete them at Pow Wow and that is to be expected. It can be discouraging for a younger Scout to not finish all four of his merit badges but you have to realize these are tough and some take longer than three weeks. Its just the nature of the program.
I personally encourage the younger Scouts to take easier merit badges at Pow Wow so they feel a sense of accomplishment rather than face a partial completion.
That does not mean a younger Scout should be steered away from Eagle Scout merit badges at Pow Wow because some are easily ascertained while at Pow Wow. Those could be Cooking, First Aid, Family Life to name a few.
Hope that helps…
If you have any questions please contact Bobby. The next Troop meeting is January 8.
Training News From The Los Padres Council
Merit Badge Counselor Orientation
will continued to be offered on the first Monday of each month from 5:45 to 7 pm at the Council Office
Scout Leader Specific
will be offered at least 3 times. The first opportunity will be Saturday, January 31st from 8am to 5 pm. Council Office
Charter Representative Orientation:
What are your rights & responsibilities? Tuesday January 13th – 6- 7:30 pm Council Office
Chaplain Aide Orientation:
for Boy Scouts, leaders may come too- Tuesday February 3 ( what does this position involve and how to get ready for Scout Sunday!) 6 -7:30 pm Council Office
Advancement Chair Orientation:
for both Pack & Troop advancement chairs to better understand the tools available to help them keep records accurately and more. Tuesday February 17th 6-7:30 pm Council Office
Historical City Walk

Troop 1 will be having its yearly Historical City Walk on January 3, 2015. The City Hike is divided up into 12 historical landmarks around Santa Barbara. Most of them are concentrated in the downtown area. Each historical landmark has one or more questions the Scouts need to answer. The Scouts will need to learn these on the walk in order to earn the Santa Barbara Historical Trail Award.
On the tour the troop usually makes it to 11 of the 12 locations with the exception being the Old Mission. The Scouts will need to go to the Mission on on their own time to complete their 12 landmarks requirement. When they have finished visiting all locations they get the requirement signed off for Second Class and they are awarded a special patch from The Los Padres Council.

Here is the details on the Santa Barbara Historical Trail Award. Here is a PDF of the map of the locations.
Where and When
The Troop will meet at the Church parking lot January 3 at 10 AM sharp. The event usually finishes up around 3 or 4 PM depending on how fast the Troop moves through the hike.
Who Should Attend
All Scouts should attend and in addition we need adult chaperones.
What to Bring
All scouts should come prepared in good clothing for a hike. You should have good walking shoes, shorts or pants depending on weather. Wear your Class B Troop 1 T-shirt and a jacket depending on weather. A hat is also recommended.
The Scout should also carry a small day pack ( a school type backpack) that has these things in it.
- Scout Handbook
- Pen, Pencil, Paper
- Scout Compass
- Personal First Aid Kit
- Map of the Area
- Flashlight
- Water
- Trail Food
- Sun Protection (Sun Screen and Hat)
- Rain Gear
The Historical City Hike is a preparatory hike for Scouts to get used to what is needed when they go on extensive hikes. These 10 things are usually called the “10 Essentials of Scouting” and there are variations to this list but this is what our Scout Master recommends to carry. (Some 10 essentials lists have pocketknives and matches but we don’t need those for the City Hike.)
We usually stop for lunch somewhere in downtown Santa Barbara so each Scout will need $10 spending money for lunch. Make sure to carry water and snacks.
Troop 1’s Holiday party will be happening
Sunday December 14th
5 pm until 7 pm.
Jen Jones and her family have graciously invited us to their home again for a wonderful pot luck dinner.
Please use the Sign Up Genius link below to register and sign up to attend. Everyone should register and help bring something to make it a special night of fun and good eating.
Scouts and their Families are encouraged to attend.
For more details about where and what to bring and to sign up click here on Holiday Party Signup.
On Sunday morning Dec. 7, 2014 we will be going on a bike ride from Foster Park in Ventura towards Ojai and then return. Here is the link to a map and information regarding the bike trail. Starting at Foster Park it is about 10-11 miles to Ojai. We will have some lunch there, then we turn around and head back. The elevation gain is about 1000 feet on the way to Ojai and its downhill on the way back.

What you need to bring
- A bike in good working order that you can go 20 miles on. The lighter the bike the better. Also you should probably have a bike with a couple of different gears (not just a one speed). If you have a BMX off road bike you should see about borrowing a different bike for the ride.
- A bike helmet. No one will be allowed to participate without one.
- Tire patches and tire repair kit if you have one.
- If your bike has a small pump attached bring it.
- Other bike tools.
- Small light weight backpack to carry snacks, lunch and some extra water.
- Water bottles with water if your bike has water bottle holders.
- Strong and dependable shoes that you can bike in.
- Depending on the weather you might want to possibly carry a light sweater/sweatshirt.
How and when
- We will meet at the Church parking lot on Sunday Dec. 7, 2014 at 9:00 AM sharp. We will leave soon after that.
- We will carpool so if you are driving and have a bike rack that can carry additional bikes please help by carrying someone’s bike.
- We will drive down to Foster Park (Google Map).
- We will head to Ojai on bikes, have lunch, then return to Foster Park.
- Return back to Church parking lot sometime Sunday afternoon.
Support Crew
We will need at least one adult who is not going on the bike ride itself to head along Hwy. 33 to Ojai as support crew. They will need to be able to carry one or two bikes if there is a problem. If you can be this person please get back to Mr. Olitzky with an email to let him know.
Here are the details
NOTES on Food, Gear and Cost
- Each scout is responsible for his own meals and snacks. See the equipment list for number of meals needed.
- Please bring your gear to the meeting on Thursday, November 20 for inspection.
- Cost: $12 cash for breakfast on Sunday, plus approx. $15 per Scout to troop for gasoline, depending on the number of people going.
If you have any questions, please call Ted Urschel at (805) 695-0596.
Sunday November 9 is the Civil War Re-Enactment in Moorpark. Troop 1 will be attending this event and I am looking for parents and scouts to sign up to go with us.
The first battle is at 12pm and the second is at 2:30pm.
Ticket Prices are as follows:
Adults – $25 per person
Children – $20 per child (must show school ID card)
We will be leaving from the First United Methodist Church at 10am on Sunday November 9th. It takes about an hour to get to the site.
Tickets will be purchased at the door. Please make sure scouts have sufficient money for Food and Ticket Prices. Class B Uniform is required. Dress warm as it will be cold. We will be outside most of the day.
Take 101 N. toward Ventura to the CA-23. 23 North to Moorpark Transition to 118 East in Moorpark Take the COLLINS RD Offramp. Turn LEFT onto COLLINS RD. FOLLOW THE SIGNS TO THE EVENT PARKING AT MOORPARK COLLEGE
More information can be found at these websites:
Join Troop 1 as we head to the Vandenberg Air Force Base area on Saturday Oct. 18 for Jamboree On the Air. Attached is the flyer from Mr. Andrade. There is also a release which must be signed for each Scout attending and also each Adult Leader attending. More details will be discussed at this Thursday’s Scout Meeting.
Jamboree in the Air Details
Vandenberg Release

The Troop will car camp overnight and return Sunday afternoon. We will be leaving at 6:00 AM sharp from the Church Parking lot. There is an opportunity for the newer Scouts to finish off some of their requirements for Advancement.
Due to the very high temperatures predicted Saturday, we have decided to change our hike from a mountain hike to a long beach walk. High tide is at 7:32 am on Saturday, and it will be getting lower all the way to 1:09 pm. We will meet at the church at 9 am, and then drive to Arroyo Burro (Hendry’s) beach and walk to or toward Goleta beach and back. Scouts should bring lots of water, lunch, hat and sunscreen, and be prepared to get wet feet.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me or talk to me tonight at the Court of Honor.
Ted Urschel
office 805-695-0596
mobile 805-680-5898
Congratulations to the boys who just advanced!

Rodrigo H. Second Class